Our Show Gallery

OnStg 2014 Gondo.jpg
OnStg 1993 Rumple.jpg
OnStg 2016 Pirates.jpg
OnStg 2011 Ruddigore.jpg
OnStg 2018 Mikado.png
OnStg 2010 Mikado.jpg
OnStg 2008 Patience.jpg
OnStg 2013 Yeomen.jpg
OnStg 2012 Pinafore.jpg
OnStg 2017 Ida.jpg
OnStg 2012 Trial.jpg
OnStg 2015 Iolanthe.jpg
OnStg 1989 Thespis.jpg
OnStg 2014 Gondo.jpg
OnStg 1993 Rumple.jpg
OnStg 2016 Pirates.jpg
OnStg 2011 Ruddigore.jpg
OnStg 2018 Mikado.png
OnStg 2010 Mikado.jpg
OnStg 2008 Patience.jpg
OnStg 2013 Yeomen.jpg
OnStg 2012 Pinafore.jpg
OnStg 2017 Ida.jpg
OnStg 2012 Trial.jpg
OnStg 2015 Iolanthe.jpg
Click the top arrow to start the slideshow, or select one of the slides in the scroll bar.

The Connecticut Gilbert & Sullivan Society has been presenting these famous British operettas since 1980. Click on the highlighted links in the sidebar to see pictures and information on most of our past shows. If you have pictures, programs, cast lists or anecdotes about any of the other shows, let us know via our Contact-Us page.