Archive for April, 2020

Update Regarding COVID-19

Like virtually every other performing group, last year, because of the pandemic, we were forced to cancel our plans to stage a live production of Ruddigore.

With ever increasing numbers of people being vaccinated for COVID 19, and infection rates dropping dramatically, Broadway and other performance venues around the country are opening up  We are planning to do a live production of Ruddigore November 6th and 7th 2021.

We are requiring that our cast members, production crew, and orchestra members all be fully vaccinated for COVID 19.

Many of the restrictions on the public vis a vis masking, social distancing, and sizes of assemblies have been greatly relaxed or lifted altogether.  And it is our hope that by November, we may not have to require our audience to mask up, or impose restrictions on seating or limit the size of our audience.

Please be sure to check back with us to get updates regarding the status of our preparations for the show and for updates on accommodations we might need to implement to assure the on-going safety of our performers and of our audience

This has been a very difficult and trying time for all of us. We look forward to being back on stage and performing for you in 2021.

We wish everyone the best and hope that all of you remain safe and healthy.

John Freedman
Vice President, Producer, Connecticut Gilbert & Sullivan Society